To keep you informed I just copy and paste the last info from my private-diary:
Get a stable starting-point from scratch
Get the latest bladerf software., support, alle relevant … and end at
At right of the page is download zip (yes, I know, I should clone, but don’t yet know how, sorry…)
bladeRF-master (3).zip is in my download-area.
Rename old bladeRF-master to bladeRF-master03
Extract to C:\bladeRF-master
May be wise to get the latest firmware too.
The latest image is pointed to by:
Download latest.img and copy to C:\Program Files (x86)\bladeRF for loading with bladerf-cli
To be sure download FPGA-firmware from choose V0.0.3 hostedx115.rbf
Rename current hostedx115.rbf to hostedx115.rbf_01
Now copy hostedx115.rbf to directory C:\Program Files (x86)\bladeRF
Now connect bladerf-board using USB2-port, and flash latest.img, power remove/connect, flash with hostedx115.rbf
Connect power (I use external poweradaptor), connect to USB2
One green LED D1 shows a nice constant green light.
Startup bladerf-cli (I use windows by the way)
[WARNING] extract_field: Field checksum mismatch
[WARNING] Could not extract VCTCXO trim value
[WARNING] extract_field: Field checksum mismatch
[WARNING] Could not extract FPGA size
bladeRF> load fx3 latest.img
Flashing firmware from latest.img...
[INFO] Erasing 0x20000 bytes starting at address 0x00
[INFO] Erased sector at 0x00...
[INFO] Erased sector at 0x10000...
[INFO] Writing 0x20000 bytes starting at address 0x00
[INFO] Verifying 0x20000 bytes starting at address 0x00
Done. Cycle power on the device.
Remove/reconnect power
bladeRF> probe
Backend: libusb
Serial: b436de8c8212b9aeaaeba852246866e7
USB Bus: 2
USB Address: 6
bladeRF> version
bladeRF-cli version: 0.7.0-git
libbladeRF version: 0.9.0-git
Error: File or device I/O failure
bladeRF> exit
oeps, error, disconnect/reconnect USB and restart bladeRF
[WARNING] extract_field: Field checksum mismatch
[WARNING] Could not extract VCTCXO trim value
[WARNING] extract_field: Field checksum mismatch
[WARNING] Could not extract FPGA size
bladeRF> load fpga hostedx115.rbf
Loading fpga from hostedx115.rbf...
YEP! LED2 blinks about 40 times in 10 seconds, LED1 is off and LED3 is on.
Now try to create hostedx115.rbf from scratch
From this stable situation I am trying to create a new hostedx115.rbf with Quartus.
Little bit confusion about the LEDs
In the file C:\bladeRF-master\hdl\fpga\platforms\bladerf\vhdl\ bladerf-hosted.vhd:
count := 100_000_00 ;
led(1) <= not led(1) ;
end if ;
end if ;
end process ;
led(2) <= tx_underflow_led ;
led(3) <= rx_overflow_led ;
I would expect led(1) to blink, not LED2
But, I might presume that LED1 = led(1), LED2 = led(2) and LED3 = led(3) but is that true?
The file C:\bladeRF-master\hdl\fpga\platforms\bladerf\constraints\pins.tcl contains:
set_location_assignment PIN_AA7 -to led[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB7 -to led[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_AB10 -to led[3]
Now to the schematics to find:
Sheet 3 of 14 FPGA “LEFT” BANK
LED1 = D11 AA7
LED2 = D12 AB7
AB10 is not connected on the schematic
On the bladeRF-board I read
LED1 = D12 (left)
LED2 = D11 (middle)
LED3 = D13 (right)
So, the middle blinking LED must be led(1)
I guess that the left LED must be led(2)
I’ll try to change the blinking rate of led(1) and set led(2) to the on state ‘1’
But firstly try to get a home-made hostedx115.rbf without any changes.
In Windows, you should be able to open the Nios II Command Shell (look in your Start menu). You can then navigate to the hdl/quartus directory and use the script to build your project.
You can open the resulting project using the GUI in the work directory that gets created by the script.
Also note there is a README in the HDL directory to help with compilation. We currently use Quartus II 13.1 for building. Please make sure you are up to date.
I keep an eye on your blog and love what you're doing. Please keep it up! :)
Posted by Brian to SDR with BladeRF at February 1, 2014 at 3:43 AM
Start, Altera Web Edition, NIOS II EDS, NIOS II 13.1 Command Shell
Altera Nios2 Command Shell [GCC 4]
Version 13.1, Build 162
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/altera/13.1
$ cd ..
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/altera
$ dir
13.0sp1 13.1
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/altera
$ cd ..
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c
$ dir
$Recycle.Bin END Music Quartus System\ Volume\ Information WirelessDiagLog.csv default_xdb magazines version
BBHuur Elektor POI RHDSetup.log Temp Xilinx eclipse pagefile.sys vmware
Backup\ docs\ iPad Firefox PerfLogs SPLASH.000 Update _FS_SWRINFO fftrlog.txt prive
CampingWijzer ISOimages Photo SPLASH.SYS Users altera hiberfil.sys splash.idx
Cypress Intel Program\ Files Sdr Utrecht bladeRF-master homepage t
DesignSparkMech Keil Program\ Files\ (x86) SiLabs VAIO\ Sample\ Contents bladeRF-master_01 java test.xml
Documentation LinuxBoard ProgramData Softw\ Radio WinRadio bladeRF-master_02 javaprojects usb_driver
Documents\ and\ Settings MSOCache Python27 SwSetup Windows bladeRF-master_03 lv.log user.js
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c
$ cd bladerf-master
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master
$ dir
CMakeLists.txt CONTRIBUTORS COPYING debian firmware_common fx3_firmware hdl host legal
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master
$ cd hdl
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master/hdl
$ dir fpga quartus
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master/hdl
$ cd quartus
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master/hdl/quartus
$ dir
bladerf.tcl build.tcl constraints ip.ipx signaltap
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master/hdl/quartus
$ bash -h
bladeRF FPGA build script
Usage: -r <rev> -s <size>
-r <rev> FPGA revision
-s <size> FPGA size
-a <stp> SignalTap STP file
-h Show this text
Supported revisions:
Supported sizes (kLE)
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master/hdl/quartus
$ bash -r hosted -s 115
Press RETURN or ENTER and go out with the dog for a short walk or go and listen to your partner
An enormous amount of information appears in the window, after a few minutes the last few lines read:
Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:14
Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:12
Info (23030): Evaluation of Tcl script ../build.tcl was successful
Info: Quartus II 32-bit Shell was successful. 0 errors, 89 warnings
Info: Peak virtual memory: 195 megabytes
Info: Processing ended: Sun Feb 02 23:03:26 2014
Info: Elapsed time: 00:06:05
Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:02
Done! Image copied to: hostedx115.rbf
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master/hdl/quartus
There it is: hostedx115.rbf, I rename the file to hostedx115new.rbf and copy it to C:\Program Files (x86)\bladeRF
The proof of the pudding is in the eating:
Everything is still fine on my bladerf-board, the LEDs are still blinking. SDR-RADIO.COM SDR radio console works like a charm.
Now edit a file with the GUI of Quartus
You can open the resulting project using the GUI in the work directory that gets created by the script.
Double-click on C:\bladeRF-master\hdl\quartus\work\ bladerf.qpf
The GUI of Quartus opens!!!
I edit the file ../../fpga/platforms/bladerf-hosted.vhd to read:
toggle_led1 : process(fx3_pclk)
variable count : natural range 0 to 100_000_000 := 100_000_000 ;
if( rising_edge(fx3_pclk) ) then
count := count - 1 ;
if( count = 0 ) then
-- count := 100_000_00 ;
count := 100_000_000 ; -- KdG 2-Feb-2014
led(1) <= not led(1) ;
end if ;
end if ;
end process ;
-- led(2) <= tx_underflow_led ;
led(2) = '1'; -- KdG 2-Feb-2014
led(3) <= rx_overflow_led ;
-- toggle_led2 : process(rx_clock)
-- variable count : natural range 0 to 38_400_00 := 38_400_00 ;
-- begin
-- if( rising_edge(rx_clock) ) then
-- count := count - 1 ;
-- if( count = 0 ) then
-- count := 38_400_00 ;
-- led(2) <= not led(2) ;
-- end if ;
-- end if ;
-- end process ;
Now try the wholce circus again after having saved this file.
Just click on save all and exit
What a pity, at the end I get:
2014.02.02.23:31:37 Progress: Done reading input file
2014.02.02.23:31:38 Info: nios_system: Generating nios_system "nios_system" for QUARTUS_SYNTH
2014.02.02.23:31:38 Info: pipeline_bridge_swap_transform: After transform: 12 modules, 41 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:38 Info: No custom instruction connections, skipping transform
2014.02.02.23:31:38 Info: merlin_initial_interconnect_transform: After transform: 12 modules, 35 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:39 Info: merlin_translator_transform: After transform: 25 modules, 74 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:39 Info: merlin_domain_transform: After transform: 50 modules, 207 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:39 Info: merlin_router_transform: After transform: 63 modules, 246 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:39 Info: merlin_burst_transform: After transform: 64 modules, 249 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:40 Info: merlin_network_to_switch_transform: After transform: 89 modules, 301 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:40 Info: merlin_width_transform: After transform: 91 modules, 307 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:40 Info: merlin_clock_and_reset_bridge_transform: After transform: 93 modules, 399 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:41 Info: merlin_hierarchy_transform: After transform: 13 modules, 43 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:41 Info: merlin_mm_transform: After transform: 13 modules, 43 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:41 Info: merlin_interrupt_mapper_transform: After transform: 14 modules, 46 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:41 Info: reset_adaptation_transform: After transform: 16 modules, 60 connections
2014.02.02.23:31:43 Warning: nios_system: "No matching role found for uart_0:s1:dataavailable (dataavailable)"
2014.02.02.23:31:43 Warning: nios_system: "No matching role found for uart_0:s1:readyfordata (readyfordata)"
2014.02.02.23:31:44 Error: Couldn't write C:/bladeRF-master/hdl/fpga/ip/altera/nios_system/synthesis/nios_system.v
2014.02.02.23:31:44 Error: Generation stopped, 14 or more modules remaining
2014.02.02.23:31:44 Info: nios_system: Done "nios_system" with 15 modules, 1 files, 53301 bytes
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master/hdl/quartus
Perhaps I should do some cleaning?
From C:\bladeRF-master\hdl\quartus delete directory work and try again
Same problem:
Altera Nios2 Command Shell [GCC 4]
Version 13.1, Build 162
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/altera/13.1
$ cd ..
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/altera
$ cd ..
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c
$ cd bladerrf-master/hdl/quartus
bash: cd: bladerrf-master/hdl/quartus: No such file or directory
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c
$ cd bladerf-master/hdl/quartus
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master/hdl/quartus
$ dir
bladerf.tcl build.tcl constraints ip.ipx signaltap
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master/hdl/quartus
$ bash -r hosted -s 115
## Non-Linux OS Detected (Windows?)
## Forcing QUARTUS_BINDIR to C:/altera/13.1/quartus/bin
Generating NIOS II Qsys for bladeRF ...
2014.02.02.23:38:28 Progress: Loading nios_system/nios_system.qsys
2014.02.02.23:38:28 Progress: Reading input file
2014.02.02.23:38:28 Progress: Adding clk_0 [clock_source 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module clk_0
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding nios2_qsys_0 [altera_nios2_qsys 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module nios2_qsys_0
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding spi_0 [altera_avalon_spi 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module spi_0
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding jtag_uart_0 [altera_avalon_jtag_uart 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module jtag_uart_0
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding onchip_memory2_0 [altera_avalon_onchip_memory2 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module onchip_memory2_0
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding timer_0 [altera_avalon_timer 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module timer_0
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding uart_0 [altera_avalon_uart 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module uart_0
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding spi_1 [altera_avalon_spi 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module spi_1
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding pio_0 [altera_avalon_pio 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module pio_0
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding iq_corr_rx_phase_gain [altera_avalon_pio 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module iq_corr_rx_phase_gain
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding iq_corr_tx_phase_gain [altera_avalon_pio 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Parameterizing module iq_corr_tx_phase_gain
2014.02.02.23:38:29 Progress: Adding bladerf_oc_i2c_master_0 [bladerf_oc_i2c_master 1.0]
2014.02.02.23:38:30 Progress: Parameterizing module bladerf_oc_i2c_master_0
2014.02.02.23:38:30 Progress: Building connections
2014.02.02.23:38:30 Progress: Parameterizing connections
2014.02.02.23:38:30 Progress: Validating
2014.02.02.23:38:30 Progress: Done reading input file
2014.02.02.23:38:34 Progress: Loading nios_system/nios_system.qsys
2014.02.02.23:38:34 Progress: Reading input file
2014.02.02.23:38:34 Progress: Adding clk_0 [clock_source 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:34 Progress: Parameterizing module clk_0
2014.02.02.23:38:34 Progress: Adding nios2_qsys_0 [altera_nios2_qsys 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module nios2_qsys_0
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Adding spi_0 [altera_avalon_spi 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module spi_0
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Adding jtag_uart_0 [altera_avalon_jtag_uart 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module jtag_uart_0
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Adding onchip_memory2_0 [altera_avalon_onchip_memory2 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module onchip_memory2_0
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Adding timer_0 [altera_avalon_timer 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module timer_0
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Adding uart_0 [altera_avalon_uart 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module uart_0
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Adding spi_1 [altera_avalon_spi 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module spi_1
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Adding pio_0 [altera_avalon_pio 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module pio_0
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Adding iq_corr_rx_phase_gain [altera_avalon_pio 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module iq_corr_rx_phase_gain
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Adding iq_corr_tx_phase_gain [altera_avalon_pio 13.1]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module iq_corr_tx_phase_gain
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Adding bladerf_oc_i2c_master_0 [bladerf_oc_i2c_master 1.0]
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing module bladerf_oc_i2c_master_0
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Building connections
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Parameterizing connections
2014.02.02.23:38:35 Progress: Validating
2014.02.02.23:38:36 Progress: Done reading input file
2014.02.02.23:38:37 Info: nios_system: Generating nios_system "nios_system" for QUARTUS_SYNTH
2014.02.02.23:38:37 Info: pipeline_bridge_swap_transform: After transform: 12 modules, 41 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:37 Info: No custom instruction connections, skipping transform
2014.02.02.23:38:37 Info: merlin_initial_interconnect_transform: After transform: 12 modules, 35 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:38 Info: merlin_translator_transform: After transform: 25 modules, 74 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:38 Info: merlin_domain_transform: After transform: 50 modules, 207 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:38 Info: merlin_router_transform: After transform: 63 modules, 246 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:39 Info: merlin_burst_transform: After transform: 64 modules, 249 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:39 Info: merlin_network_to_switch_transform: After transform: 89 modules, 301 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:39 Info: merlin_width_transform: After transform: 91 modules, 307 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:39 Info: merlin_clock_and_reset_bridge_transform: After transform: 93 modules, 399 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:40 Info: merlin_hierarchy_transform: After transform: 13 modules, 43 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:40 Info: merlin_mm_transform: After transform: 13 modules, 43 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:40 Info: merlin_interrupt_mapper_transform: After transform: 14 modules, 46 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:41 Info: reset_adaptation_transform: After transform: 16 modules, 60 connections
2014.02.02.23:38:42 Warning: nios_system: "No matching role found for uart_0:s1:dataavailable (dataavailable)"
2014.02.02.23:38:42 Warning: nios_system: "No matching role found for uart_0:s1:readyfordata (readyfordata)"
2014.02.02.23:38:43 Error: Couldn't write C:/bladeRF-master/hdl/fpga/ip/altera/nios_system/synthesis/nios_system.v
2014.02.02.23:38:43 Error: Generation stopped, 14 or more modules remaining
2014.02.02.23:38:43 Info: nios_system: Done "nios_system" with 15 modules, 1 files, 53301 bytes
lonneke@lonneke-VAIO /cygdrive/c/bladerf-master/hdl/quartus
For me all this was a giant step, perhaps a small step for Brian.
I created a stable start-point.
I managed to generate hostedx115.rbf using the NIOS shell (note the use of the command bash).
I managed to create a Quartus project and could use the GUI.
I managed to change bladerf-hosted.vhdl.
But I did not manage to compile again.
I should do some cleaning perhaps, or is there a command from the GUI?
Anyway, I had a great great evening this Sunday and now I am going for a walk with my dog and get some sleep.
He is not so smart to tell me what he wants by
waiting in the bathroom, I put him there for the picture...
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